Thank you for your interest in the Gallup Student Poll in Australia and New Zealand. Read on for some frequently asked questions about the Gallup Student Poll. For further questions, please contact Gallup at +61 2 9409 9000 or email
What Does Gallup Do?
Gallup helps leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems. Gallup combines analytics and advice to help leaders and organisations identify opportunities and create meaningful change. Combining more than 80 years of experience with its global reach, Gallup knows more about the attitudes and behaviours of the world's constituents, employees, and customers than any other organization in the world.
Gallup's strength is understanding people and what matters most to them in their jobs and their life. This strength allows us to create transformation in the workplace and marketplace. Through the study of human nature, we change the world a little to a lot every day.
More than 40 years ago, Gallup began to focus its research on education and how to help students reach their full potential. Gallup works with students and educators at all levels to help them better understand their capabilities and build a stronger education system. We help schools implement a wider range of programs including teacher, parent and community engagement, leadership development and strengths-based development for students, teachers and academic leaders. p>
One of the ways we help schools and students better understand their needs is through the Gallup Student Poll.
What Is the Gallup Student Poll?
The Gallup Student Poll is an online survey of a school community that measures the hope, engagement, well-being and career and financial literacy of students. Following years of research with students, Gallup discovered that these three factors are of the highest importance in creating stronger academic outcomes, improving student retention, and helping our students develop themselves for the future.
Gallup operates the student poll via a secure website and takes approximately 10 minutes for each student to complete. The poll is open to all students between year five and year 12. (year 13 if New Zealand.)
Why These Measures?
Gallup senior scientists have studied educational best practice for decades, and have identified the factors that have the greatest impact on students -- hope, engagement and well-being. These factors were chosen because they have been scientifically validated and tested for reliability. They are the primary indicators of an emotional connection to education. They are also the drivers of more traditional outcomes, such as academic performance.
Schools reporting high Hope, Engagement, and Well-being in their student body also report lower absenteeism, higher graduation rates, and far higher discretionary effort. They are actionable at the local level -- meaning that Gallup can help pinpoint actions to take at a school level to improve each factor, and in doing so, improve student and school outcomes.
What Information Is Collected?
The Gallup Student Poll consists of 36 questions and five demographic items, and an optional six-item Faith Index. Of the survey items, some are answered on a 1-5 scale, 0-10 scale, and some are a Yes/No format. All items have an option of Don't Know/Does Not Apply. Responses roll up to a single school level report that can be actioned locally.
No individual student data is collected, and all responses are aggregated to maintain the individual confidentiality of each student.
Can Individual Respondents Be Identified?
No. At no point can a single student response be isolated. All responses are aggregated and results are reported back to the school by year level and by school level, overall. Gallup will not report results for any school or year level with less than 10 respondents.
Gallup will be able to provide database comparisons for your school based on other schools who have participated in the poll. Gallup's guarantee of confidentiality is absolute.
Gallup has collected millions of responses in polls around the world. Nearly 2 million students have undertaken the Gallup Student Poll in the United States. Data integrity is paramount, and confidentiality must be assured for this to be achieved.
How Does the School Make the Gallup Student Poll Open to Students?
Each school will choose times that best fits with a students' schedules. While every school is different, most will make a computer or multiple computers available to students during library, computing or free study times. A nominated school representative will receive an email from Gallup with a unique URL web address. This link enables multiple 'clicks' so schools are discouraged from allowing students to participate more than once, as this will skew the results.
Is the Gallup Student Poll Compulsory?
No. While greater participation provides the school with a more accurate report, the Gallup Student Poll is not compulsory. The polling method is known as a census -- all students in a school are given the opportunity to participate, and each individual determines their own level of participation
May I Talk to Someone in More Detail About This?
Absolutely. Once registered to participate, each school will need to nominate a survey administrator who will be given instructions on how to contact Gallup for assistance. Prior to registration, please feel free to contact the Gallup Australia or New Zealand Education Practice at any time:
Education Practice:
Tel: +61 2 9409 9000
What Do I Receive From Gallup After I Have Registered?
A representative from the Gallup Education will contact you to confirm your registration and advise you of the next steps. About one week prior to the survey, you'll receive an email from Gallup containing useful information about the Poll for preparation. You will receive an email invite from Gallup on the first live day of the poll containing the unique web link you should follow to access the survey website. You can use this link on multiple computers. Then, for a period of four weeks between Tuesdays and Fridays until the close of the Poll, please encourage your students to participate in the survey during school hours. Please schedule sessions so that a school administrator can be on hand to answer questions and prevent students from completing the survey more than once.
Do I Have to Log In Every Time a Student Needs to Take the Survey?
No. You only have to do this once per computer for each day of the survey. After a student completes the survey, a "Take the survey" button appears on the page. The next student can then take the survey.
What Are the Technical Requirements to Take the Survey?
The web-based survey needs to be completed via a computer with internet access and a web browser. The web browser must have JavaScript enabled, pop-up blocking disabled, and a plug-in installed capable of displaying Flash content. The following browsers are compatible with the survey: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari (Macintosh).
How Do I Disable Pop-Up Blocking?
Most Internet browsers have a feature that prevents pop-up windows from appearing on your computer screen. For the Gallup Student Poll Web site to function properly, you must disable your browser's pop-up blocker. Follow the instructions listed under "Internet Browsers" to disable pop-up blockers for Safari (Macintosh), Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge.
If you have downloaded a third-party toolbar to Internet Explorer, such as Google Toolbar, Yahoo! Toolbar, etc., you may also need to disable its pop-up blocker. Follow the instructions listed under "Third-Party Toolbars" to disable the pop-up blockers for Google Toolbar and Yahoo! Toolbar.
Internet Browsers:
Safari (Macintosh)
- From the Safari menu, select Preferences.
- Click Security at the top of the window.
- Uncheck the Block pop-up windows box.
- Go to the menu icon (three horizontal bars) and click on Options.
- Click Privacy & Security tab.
- Uncheck Block pop-up windows.
Internet Explorer
- Click the tools icon at the top right of your browser.
- Click Internet Options.
- Click the Privacy tab.
- Uncheck Turn off Pop-up Blocker and click OK.
- Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
- Select Settings.
- Click the Advanced towards the bottom of the page.
- In the Privacy and Security section, click the Content Settings button.
- In the Pop-ups section, there is Blocked (recommended) with a button to the right. Click on that button and allowed should now show. Allowing all sites to show pop-ups.
Microsoft Edge
- Select the More Actions button and select Settings.
- Scroll down the list and click View Advanced Settings.
- Click the button beside turn Block pop-ups from on to off.
Third-Party Toolbars:
Google Toolbar
- Click the Google Toolbar Wrench icon.
- In the Toolbar Options window, click the Tools tab.
- Click to clear the Pop-up Blocker check box.
- Click Save.
Yahoo! Toolbar
- Click the Pop-Up Blocker menu.
- Click Enable Pop-Up Blocker so that a check mark does not appear next to it.
How do I enable JavaScript?
Safari (Macintosh)
- From the Safari menu, select Preferences.
- Click Security at the top of the window.
- Check Enable JavaScript.
- Select Always on the accept cookies option.
- Close Safari.
- Restart your computer.
- Go to the menu icon (three horizontal bars) and click on Preferences.
- Click Content.
- Select the Enable Java.
- Close the window.
- Refresh your browser or open a new one and continue your work.
Internet Explorer
- Click the Tools option at the top right of your browser (gear icon).
- Click Internet Options.
- Click the Security tab.
- Click Custom Level.
- Scroll down to Scripting Session.
- Select Enable, under Active Scripting.
- Click Yes to any warnings.
- Click OK on the windows.
- Refresh your browser or open a new one and continue your work.
- Click the Chrome menu on the upper right corner of your screen.
- Select Settings.
- Click Advanced towards the bottom of the page.
- In the Privacy and Security Section, click the Content Settings button
- In the JavaScript section, select Allow All Sites to Run JavaScript (Recommended).
- Click the OK button and close the page.
- Refresh or open a new page to start your work.
Microsoft Edge
- In the search window at the bottom left corner of your screen, type "Edit Group Policy".
- Expand the user configuration folder.
- Expand the administrative templates.
- Expand the windows components folder.
- Expand the Microsoft Edge folder.
- Double-click "Allows You to Run Scripts, Like Javascript"
- Choose Enable.
- Click OK.
- Refresh your browser or open a new one and continue your work.
All data collected by the Gallup Student Poll is stored, aggregated, and analysed by Gallup. Data are reported by school and by district and are accessible via an online scorecard. Under no circumstances will Gallup reveal a student's individual item response to anyone. Armed with this news and ongoing research, parents, school districts, communities, states and the country can pursue student success goals with proven and actionable data that can lead to significant improvements.